The Royals Band Boosters are the support organization for the Mason County Band Program, grades 6-12.  Whether it is helping to coordinate a fundraiser, providing meals and snacks for our kids, altering uniforms, or just being around to cheer us on, parents are involved in every single one of our activities.

Ready to help make your child's music education better?  Then join the Boosters.  One hour of your time per month (for you mathematically inclined, that is 1/720th of your average month) can hep bring new ideas and fresh faces to the Boosters.

The Royals Band Boosters meet the first Tuesday of every month, at 7pm, in the MCHS Band Room.  These meetings are open to anyone and everyone who has a student involved in the band program at Mason County.  Our students NEED you to participate.  We can't do it without you!

Current Boosters officers include:

Lisa Hamrick, president

Tara Graves, vice president

Kim Muse, treasurer 

John Best, secretary


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